When you sign up, select either both afternoon and evening or just evening.
Afternoon Session: 3:00-6:30 An overview of particle physics and the Quarknet program at Rutgers. Map of Busch Campus --parking available in lot 53A
Registration for this session also includes the evening session. Registrants who attend will receive 5 professional development hours.
Location: Serin Room 330W. (3rd floor of West wing of Serin Phyiscs Building. West end of building adjacent to Allison Road.) More details below.
The cost is Free for Members. For non-NJAAPT members the cost is $11, which includes registration for 1 year of NJAAPT members.
Evening Session: 6:30-8:30 Guest Lecture: Prof. Timothy Koeth, Univ. of Maryland: The Physicists in the basement of the High Castle More details below.
(Registrants who attend will receive 2 professional development hours. )
Location: Physics lecture hall.
Event flyer Map of Busch Campus --parking available in lot 53A
The event is free.
Afternoon Session: 3:00-6:30
The program provides an overview of Particle Physics at an introductory level for high school teachers. Classroom activities related to high energy particle physics will be described and presented. We will then have breakout sessions in which students from this year’s Quarknet program will present the results of their activities, including a) detecting and analyzing cosmic ray muons that are bombarding the earth and b) analyzing data from the CERN Large Hadron Collider. This will be followed with a light pizza dinner.
· 3:00-3:30 Arrive/Coffee
· 3:30-4:15 Overview of Quarknet and Particle Physics. Particle physics activities for HS classrooms
· 4:15-4:50 Presentations of the activities and results from the Quarknet students
· 5:00-6:30 Break for Pizza and Drinks for those who attend the entire program
The cost is free for members.
Evening Session: 6:30-8:30 This is an open presentation and it is free to attend. However, it is strongly recommended that you sign up so that we can arrange parking for you. It will also help us with our planning. You can bring guests without registration as long as they are arriving in the same automobile.
Prof. Timothy Koeth of the University of Maryland will present a fascinating story concerning a mysterious uranium cube and the German atomic bomb effort. You can read a recent Physics Today cover story on Prof. Koeth's investigations here.
- 6:30-7:00 Demonstrations in the Physics Lecture Hall
- 7:00-8:30 Guest Speaker in the Physics Lecture Hall
The Physicists in the Basement of the High Castle
Prof. Timothy Koeth
University of Maryland
In the summer of 2013, a cube of uranium two inches on a side and weighing about five pounds mysteriously found its way to Prof. Timothy Koeth at the University of Maryland. It came with a note that read, “Taken from the reactor that Hitler tried to build. Gift of Ninninger.” The cube and 663 others like it were components of a failed German effort to develop a nuclear reactor. How did a uranium cube from the German war effort end up in Maryland 70 years later? How many like it are out there? What happened to the rest? Who is Ninninger?
Germany was the birth place of nuclear fission and German scientists had a two-year lead on the American nuclear program. Why, just as the Manhattan project was gearing up, did the German program slow to an amateurish pace? What role did Werner Heisenberg play in promoting or hindering the German program? Investigations into the cube and its history have shed light on a complex and fascinating story.
The event is free.